In the short essay, “The Library of Babel”, was a comparison of a huge never ending library that had hexagonal floors with a stair case, and the humans trying to figure out how life and the universe works. In the library there were books that would only contain curtain letters that would be in a language that couldn’t be understood, or it would repeat a curtain set of letters over and over. There was a book in the library that would be written exactly the same as another but with only one microscopic difference. There were an infinite amount of books that were all written with the twenty five orthographic symbols. In this essay, man was the librarian of the library and was trying to decode the books. The information that was in the books was the key to how the universe works and how to live a successful life. There was one book that nobody could ever find that contained hints on how to decode the books and man was always looking for this book but could never find it. This is what I got from the essay which was kind of hard to understand.
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